Archive for March, 2014

Fuji X-T1

Posted: March 29, 2014 in Fuji X-T1
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The Fuji X-T1 arrived this week and I am planning to test it with a studio and food photo shoots to see if the image quality and handling are to my liking. If I am happy all my Canon gear will go and a selection of Fuji lens will be purchased starting with the 56mm F1.2.

Still playing catch up with last years food images. Enjoy.Food Photography Food Photography

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My Canon 5D mkii is 5 years old in the summer and is being replaced with a Canon 6D. Would love the 5Dmk iii but I can’t justify the extra £1000 especially as I no longer shoot for paid work (families, newborns etc). The second change may be to invest in a Fuji X-T1 as I am not very happy with my Canon EOS-M as a carry around camera. I need buttons and dials.

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