Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

Please note I will soon stop posting here as I have a new blog.

Innershadows Photography Blog

During the last of months I have been shooting more food than models.

All images taken with a Fuji X-T1 and a 60mm Macro lens

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Fuji X-T1

Posted: April 5, 2014 in Food, Fuji X-T1
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For a very long time I have been looking at options to reduce the weight of the kit I carry around especially as I suffer from a bad back. As I am a Canon user the most logic choice was the EOS M. The weight and size was perfect, however I never got used to the touch screen. I missed the buttons and dials to change settings. I was also very disappointed Canon seem to have dropped their support for the camera. Only one additional lens has been released since it launch 18 months ago (11-22mm). A second body has been released (EOS 2), but only in Asia. Not sure what Canon plans are but I can’t wait.
After reading many reviews I decides to go for the Fuji X-T1. The style, size and weight seem perfect, so I ordered one which arrived last week. Now the big question is how does it performance. So far, so good. Below are from my first food shoot with the X-T1 using the 18-55mm F2.8-F4 lens.
During the next couple of weeks I have a couple of portrait sessions booked in the studio and on location. I will provide more feedback on the X-T1 after these sessions.

Still playing catch up with last years food images. Enjoy.Food Photography Food Photography

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I am still playing catch up with blogging. Sorry

This shoot combined my two favorite things. Dark and creepy things with food photography.

H1 H2

Been so busy lately that I not managed to update my blog for a couple of months, so I am going to try and catch up over the next couple of weeks.

The cakes were provided by Cakes by Donna Louise
